Monday 28 June 2010

Movie Reviews written by students of Adults 5

Hello everybody,

Florencia's students of Adults 5A have written movie reviews and they want to share them with you. Click on the names to read their works.

Mercedes and Gustavo

Congratulations to Florencia, Fabia, Regina, Matías,
Ana María, Mercedes and Gustavo 
for having explored Google Docs!

ACTIVITY 1 - Read your classmates' movie reviews and make comments on them giving your opinion which is expected to help them to improve their work. Take into consideration what follows:

1- Layout: Is the document properly presented: Is the article divided into paragraphs? does it include illustrating images?
2- Are there any spelling errors?
3- Vocabulary: Is it varied or not?
4- Readability: Are the articles easy to read or not? 

Michael Jackson, the king of the pop music, died last year. Visit this Adults 5 2009 blog and do the activities:

Deadline July 30th 
Here is Fabia's work about Michael Jackson. 
Well done, Fabia!

Saturday 19 June 2010

Feedback to comments on previous post

Dear students:

I am very pleased beacuse you liked  the listening activities I posted. Your comments were quite long and very good! Here is  my feedback on some common mistakes.

  • in or at the beginning/the end?
at the beginning means the first part; e.g.: The front matter is at the beginning of the book. The place where something begins or is begun: at the beginning of the road.

in the beginning - with reference to the origin or beginning
primitively, originally

in the end -means finally, at the end of the day.  e.g: Despite all the problems of putting on the play, it was a grand success, and that was all that mattered in the end

At ended, I have remembered a lot of things which made me feel good.
  • It was “Hole in my soul” by Aerosmith and that was hard difficulty (mmm.... This is not a very clear sentence, I am afraid )
  • I don´t know how can I say en English (word order: I can say)
Well, that is all for now. 

Oh, before finishing this post, I would like to give you one more listening activity, but this one is about a song for South Africa Football World Cup,  " Wavin' Flag " by K'nann. If you pay attention, you'll find more interactive activities at the end of the song. Click HERE

Best, Nelba